About us

The association arose in the shadow of the difficult conditions in which our country and our people are living, as a result of the disastrous effects of wars that destroy homes, schools, hospitals, factories, markets, and all vital public and private facilities, properties and facilities that left thousands of physically and psychologically handicapped people of various types and degrees of disabilities, victims of wars, men and women And kids.

Our commitment

From the standpoint of the humanitarian imperative, it was necessary to establish an official association that would work to take care of them, rehabilitate them, and provide for their needs, by uniting the efforts of donors and those concerned with attention locally and internationally, to perform its duty towards this segment of society in an adequate, continuous and feasible manner.


Our vision

We only see a person with a disability who has an additional drive to enrich society, if given the care and opportunity.

Our Mission

Let us be the active and meaningful joint link between the handicapped who are victims of war, the collaborators, the donors, and those concerned with interest locally and internationally, to take care of him and create the appropriate opportunity to integrate him into his society and enrich him with his partnership and achievements.

Our values

How much we care and strive to gain confidence and deal with complete transparency, professionalism and high standards.

For support and donation to the association

To donate via one of our bank accounts
CAC Bank (1005408958)

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